Dough Money Blog in 2018- including income summary

2018 Dough Money Blog- Year Review

"Don’t be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of. One man gets only a week’s value out of a year while another man gets a full year’s value out of a week."

(Quote from Charles Richards- Canadian Politician and Chief Justice)

As we power into 2019 we might just miss the opportunity to reflect on the year just gone. So here is a belated review of 2018 for Dough Money Blog.

First of all, a huge thank you to everyone who has spent time on the site this year. It's humbling to think of the amount of people who have taken a few minutes to read one of these posts.I'm amazed that people continue to engage with what I am producing, and I am very grateful. 

This is the 21st post on the site which is slightly less than I was aiming for in the year. Having said that, I am realising that writing a larger quantity often leads to a drop in quality. You can clearly have both, but running Dough in my spare time limits the time I can invest and therefore I'd rather focus on writing fewer good posts than lots of average ones!

So less but better is my plan going into 2019.

Income Summary

I also set myself the target of earning £1,200 on top of my annual salary in 2018. I fell a bit short. Here is the breakdown:

Cashback: £381- largely from Topcashback and switching bank accounts
Ebay Sales: £146.14 less Costs £38.70 = £107.44
Dividends: £175.70
Facebook Marketplace: £135- from selling a fridge and freezer
Apps: £15- from Slidejoy and Receipt Hog

Total: £814.14

I wasn't able to follow up on a few of the other ideas I had, largely due to time constraints and no one wanting to buy my chargers (even for the rock bottom prices they are now at!).

I also have £128 in cashback and vouchers which haven't quite cleared yet, so that would have taken me a good bit closer.

However £814 is a fair chunk of money, and I'm pleased that the effort wasn't in vain!

It was worthwhile aiming high as it motivated me to keep going, and look out for more opportunities to earn a bit more. If you'd like some inspiration, have a look at this post where 11 money bloggers give their recommendations to earn an easy £50.

2019 Dough Money Blog- Plans for Year

2019 Plans

So moving into 2019- the posts will keep coming and hopefully continue to improve. I'll be using the responses to the survey I ran before Christmas to tailor a few more in depth posts, looking at particular areas of money that you need to know about. I'm in the middle of a huge post of tons of money saving tips in on place, and will continue to do the odd book review and throw up some historic money wisdom too.

And I'll continue to put a focus on time saving/efficiency tips and tricks, saving you time as well as money!

The balance between having more time or having more money and how to have more of both fascinates me, and there is plenty more to explore in the area.

In terms of the site itself, I'm looking at moving off blogger and onto a different platform. This will help the site to look a bit more professional, and let me do a few more interesting things with the blog.

Once again a huge thank you to everyone who has been a part of the blog over the past year. It's great to hear that the posts have been useful and that people are better off as a result of Dough Money Blog. So thanks!

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